Busy Busy Busy
Well things have been very busy around here! We have adopted two Bullmastiff puppies. (Yes, we are insane.. and insanely busy!) Our little StoVoQor has been a real peach but now that she is getting comfortable she is getting into all kinds of puppy trouble! Don't let that innocent look fool you! She's a little hellion! But we love her dearly. Targ is unsure of what to do with the little bugger and is honestly a bit overwhelmed by her exuberance. Fortunately, our Second little puppy will be coming home soon, so StoVoQor will have someone her own age to play with. We don't have a photo of ParmaQay yet. That will be coming soon... as soon as we have a moment to breathe! If you were at the Albany Obedience Club Celebration Match, you saw us. We were there chatting with critters! I'm off on a grand adventure this month. I'll will be attending Tellington Touch Training in July. Check back often for updates on my progress in the practitioner training program. LB and I will also be in Stephentown in July for an agility camp for dogs. We will be presenting information on Energy and Health and Animal Communication. I will also be offering private sessions and will be puppy sitting while LB and Targ play at Rally-O! August brings another Animal Communication Workshop, this time on a Thursday night from 6:30-9:30PM. Visit our Workshops page for more information!  

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