How you can help
We're continuing to assemble information on those organizations (mostly large, but we're starting to find out about some of the smaller ones now, too) that are helping animals in the disaster area. Before we get to that list, this link will take you to a story about corporations that have pledged to match donations to the relief funds. (Thanks to MSNBC's Kim Campbell Thornton for the pointer.) You might work for one of these companies, or you might do business with them. In any case, it makes sense to check the list and see if you can double your donation with a matching grant. (If your employer isn't on the list, ask your HR department if there is a matching grant fund at your company.)
Many, many thanks to reader Carol Sulanke at the University of Indiana for her efforts in collecting a lot of this information. It always helps to have a librarian on one's side!
American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Disaster Relief Fund (Providing direct support to help rebuild facilities and relocate animals)
Alley Cat Allies (helping domestics, strays and ferals)
"Hurricane Relief Update: Alley Cat Allies continues to take calls and e-mails from individuals and groups -- all of them victims of Hurricane Katrina. We are working with other humane organizations and with our Feral Friends in the disaster area to find solutions. ACA staff members are assisting with all kinds of situations..."
Humane Society of the United States (Rescuing animals and assisting their caregivers in the disaster areas)
American Humane Association (Providing emergency animal services)
American Kennel Club and Companion Animal Recovery (Providing animal recovery and supplies)
North Shore Animal League America (Providing temporary shelter for pets)
Louisiana SPCA (Rescuing animals in the face of the devastation)
Noah's Wish (Rescues and shelters animals during disasters)
PetSmart Charities (Providing relief for the animals impacted by hurricanes)
United Animal Nations (Providing emergency animal sheltering and disaster relief services)
In Defense of Animals
"Located in Grenada, Miss., IDA's Project Hope sanctuary... Project Hope Director Doll Stanley and a team of four rescuers have gone to a massive staging area at the County Fairgrounds in Jackson to join in the efforts of Mississippi Emergency Response for Animals (MEPA) and the Disaster Animal Response Team (DART) to help animals there."
National Humane Education Society
"Help Us Help The Animals in the Hurricane Katrina Disaster: NHES provides over $5,000 to temporarily house and care for hundreds of companion animals coming from the epicenter of Louisianas disaster area. These funds were dispersed to the LVMA Dr. Walter J. Ernst Veterinary Memorial Foundation for distribution to myriad holding locations in Baton Rouge, LA, that are actively caring for hundreds of animalswith more coming in daily. These companion animals belong to Hurricane Katrina evacuees who are not permitted to take their companion animals with them into human shelters..."
Houston SPCA
"The Houston SPCA ... is preparing to receive hundreds more animal victims. The Houston SPCA has received more than 600 animal victims of Hurricane Katrina. We opened our doors to 263 canines and felines from the Louisiana SPCA before the storm hit and now we have accepted animals from evacuees at the Houston Astrodome, Reliant Arena and George R. Brown Convention Center. We anticipate hundreds more in the coming days and weeks. Monetary donations
are most needed to help us care for the hundreds of extra animals in our shelter now and those we will be taking in and caring for in the coming weeks and months."
Animal Rescue League of Boston
"The Animal Rescue League of Boston is dispatching a team of highly trained animal rescue specialists to aid animals victimized by Hurricane Katrina. We are taking preemptive action positioning our team so that we can quickly get to the areas most effected by this disaster, said Nicholas Gilman, the Leagues Chief Operating Officer. Our team will be ready to respond with both manpower and equipment in the storms aftermath, Gilman added. ..."
Also ... has Snowball been found? The little dog separated from his little boy has become the focus of attention for animal-lovers. No confirmation yet, but perhaps a sign of hope.