- The Martha Stewart thing? Total Bust...we got the last few minutes over credits... I can't help but wonder if Dr. Hill ticked Martha off.
- Friday's $5.00 on Friday didn't get posted but the bucks went to ADOA
- I have an acupuncture needle in my ear at the Shen Men point to help with stress this week.
- Good thing, too since my computer decided to bite the dust yesterday... I lost all my old emails...
- I will be moving this blog and my entire site to a new domain.. this host costs me twice as much as godaddy for less stuff... and they never renew me correctly which means at least one day's time down.
- My eyes are burning... pollen anyone?
Totally sympathize. My computer died a few weeks ago. And pollen — unbelievable. I rarely get hay fever, but this year takes the cake! Sorry about the Martha thing…