So, I switched hosts again.. better deal...
And I wanted to move my site.. no problem, right? Sure.. backed everything up and moved it on over...
In my excitement, I sort of forgot that I oh, I dunno stuff on my mail domain ( and...
only backed up my blog...
So, I get to recreate my main site from scratch.. now, of course I have the files and folders (somewhere) from my last backup.. but I don't think I ever backed up the database...
I really wasn't happy with how my site turned out so I guess this is my clue to redo it, right?
Since I forgot about it completely..
lol… sorry, I know that it’s not funny.. but I’ve done it soooo many times myself. You’ll get it all back together, no worries.
Oh it is kinda funny.. especially since I’m trying to start a web services business… not off to a great start am I?