Winter usually means that there is an abundance of poop on my sidewalks. I really hate that.. and right now it's warming up a bit which means the snow is melting and all the little presents under the sidewalks that weren't shoveled (another thing that makes me a bit nuts) are starting to peek through.
Needless to say, I'm always on the look out to see if I can catch who it is not picking up after their dogs.
Yesterday, I see a new neighbor walking a new dog. He walks him down in front of my house, turns around and walks back. I go to walk my dogs and I see fresh poo in the middle of the sidewalk. hmmmm... I'll be watching this guy.
Then today, as I'm getting ready to take Qay for a walk and I see this guy walking the dog again. And the dog poops right at the corner of my driveway.. so I wait...
And the guy reaches into his pocket... and I'm thinking "Oh Good! He's going for a poop bag..." but instead, he pulls out a cell phone. What? So he spends a moment on the phone and I take the opportunity to find out what's going on.
It goes something like this:
Me: Hi! Do you need a poop bag?
Him: No, I've got one right here.
Me: Oh.. ok...
And he just stands there.. not doing anything. The dog giving Qay the evil eye.
Me: Um.. I have one right here if you need it (reaching into my fancy schmancy poop bag holder on my leash)
Him: Oh, I've got one (pulling zip top back from pocket) but I don't pick it up.
I must have had a puzzled look on my face because he went on..
Him: It's her dog, she has to pick it up. I just called her. She's coming.
Me: Oh.. ok..
This guy seriously called his girlfriend/wife/roommate to walk down the block to pick up this little dogs tootsie roll poop.
Because it's her dog.
You have got to be kidding me! What a winner! If I was that girlfriend/roommate I would be running for the hills! What a piece of work. Poor you! I dispise people that don’t clean up after themselves/dogs!
I had almost this same conversation with one of my friends in England today. She has a similar neighbor… she caught him allowing the dog to poo in her front garden. So she went to a DIY store and bought a sign that she hand wrote “Do not let your dog poop in my garden. My dogs do not poop in yours!” and hung a baggie of poo that was deposited by said neighbors dog. The guy walked by for 3 days, so on the third day she went and knocked on the door and handed the guy the baggie with his dog’s poo. I wonder if she has a problem with him again.
Lora’s last blog post..More pictures
That’s hilarious!
Lynn Sinclair’s last blog post..The Gift
What an excellent idea! Now if I could only catch someone!