Word Spreads Fast: visit our newest Responsible Pet Bloggers
How exciting! I love finding new Responsible Pet Bloggers! Well actually, these folks found me! The Daily Echo is written by a 4 year old Husky. Right now, it appears that Dad is out on an adventure without the rest of the family and there is currently a dog crate for rent. Hounds Good is the Chronicles of a Virtual Volunteer. Excellent excellent blog. Evidently, though the javascript I posted on how to roll up the blogroll broke the sidebar. Sorry about that.. must be a weird quirk (not my code so I dont' know how to fix it for you, HG.) I can offer one piece of advice. To remove the Bluehost.com. favicon showing up in your address bar, just delete favicon.ico in your file manager. But I digress. There is a lot of good working being done at HoundsGood.com. Check it out. Morgan Dogs has a personal perspective on the BARF Diet and also a wonderful day by day for two Malamutes and one Border Collie. Adopt a Dallas Pet is new as of 10 minutes ago (Welcome!) and I just read the accurate and well presented article on crate training for rescued and adopted dogs. Something people don't think of with older dogs adopted from shelters or rescue organizations. Swing by and give it a read.

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