Responsible Pet Bloggers: know any?
With school starting (Information Architechture.. what fun!) I don't have as much time to search out new Responsible Pet Bloggers.  Carol at Bullmarket Frogs had a brilliant idea to ask her readers about what blogs they like. I'm going to do the same..  Tell me who you like and if you feel like it, tell me why you like them.  Post a comment and a link...  Spread the Love..

2 thoughts on “Responsible Pet Bloggers: know any?

  1. Hi – I’d like to suggest my own blog if this is allowed. At my blog “Working with Pets” I give free advice to pet lovers that would like to start a business with pets or already have a pet business but would like to grow it and make it more successful.

    I also include pet safety and health tips and information on pet behavior. In my pet sitting business the welfare of the pets I care for are my number one priority – and the tips I give about running a pet business reflect this committment.

    You can find my blog at

    Thanks for promoting responsible pet ownership!


    Danielle’s last blog post..How to Use a Contest to Promote Your Pet Business

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