For those of you who have been horribly missing my email responses to your comments (wink wink), it came to my attention that the plugin was causing a conflict in some versions of IE making it impossible for people to read my blog.
So, when I have a free minute, I'm going to install the "subscribe to comments via email" plugin so you can all easily keep up on the amazing and insightful thoughts rolling off my fingertips.
::snickering at my own humor::
Hrm that is odd, I hope mine isn’t doing that. I love my comment email responder.. it’s my favorite plugin.
Cynthia Blue’s last blog post..Buying Dog Stuff
I think it’s the innerHTML property in the javascript. I posted a comment to the creaters blog but haven’t heard anything. I had one person tell me that they couldn’t see my blog… I don’t know if anyone else would bother telling me!
I have the same plug in and LOVE it! I just checked out my blog on both IE and Mozilla and everything looks fine. I wonder if that person’s computer or firewall was causing things to go dodgy.
I signed up for hosting my blog myself just so I could get that plug in… lol
Saint Lover’s last blog
I think it’s something to do with IE settings… there is something hiding in there about caching pages etc.. I’ve tested my blog on Firefox, IE7, IE6, Opera and problems.. I’ve even done browser shots…
Anyway, since it’s so easy to turn a plugin on and off, I”m just going to leave it off until I’m ready to respond to comments, pop it on for responding and turn it back off again.. no biggie, I guess