Just barely! I’m sitting on the couch with Levi, Tatum and Muffit. Muffit is small though, he just snuggles in. Cynthia Blue’s last blog post..Buying Dog Stuff Reply
hahaha… one, two, three! Three Dogs muwhahahaha – definately the Count’s dream! Saint Lover’s last blog post..ihashotdog.com Reply
Cyn, I’m amazed at how they can cram themselves in there.. did you see the look on Targ’s face? He’s so funny. Reply
Just barely! I’m sitting on the couch with Levi, Tatum and Muffit. Muffit is small though, he just snuggles in.
Cynthia Blue’s last blog post..Buying Dog Stuff
hahaha… one, two, three! Three Dogs muwhahahaha – definately the Count’s dream!
Saint Lover’s last blog post..ihashotdog.com
Cyn, I’m amazed at how they can cram themselves in there.. did you see the look on Targ’s face? He’s so funny.
SL, I forgot all about the Count! Yeah, they sort of all blend in together, dont’ they?