From my inbox:
Hello, My name is XXXXX XXXX, I and my wife are on a Christian mission to the united kingdom and i came along with my 2 teacup Chihuahua and yorkie terrier babies. After a while, i noticed that the London weather is not too good for the puppy and i have not been able to take good care of them the way i always do because of my job. They are AKC registered. - TEACUP. Home raised, Vaccines & health guaranteed. I need someone to adopt both and take care of them the way i always do. If you can take good care of them,do send me a reply and i will mail you with their pictures. I hope to read from you. Best Regards, Evangelist XXXXX XXXX MOTTO: IN GOD WE TRUSTIt would be kind of fun to play along with this person, wouldn't you think? Nah.. not worth my time.
Awww…poor guy must just grasping at straws trying to find a home for his little guys. That email sounds like one I got the other day. *yea, right!* Can you say… spam-scam?
Therese’s last blog post..Pet sitters need backups – & why I’m taking tomorrow off
OOOh you are so bad! How did that email get to you in the first place? and what is he asking for?
I would have so much fun with “how did they do with their quarantine period moving to the UK” and “can I see the Teacup registration with the AKC?”
Oh and I must come up with something snarky for the “In God We Trust” like… that’s on my $10.00 bill or Trust God to bring you an angel to save your poor babies….
Or maybe I’ll charge Mr Evangelist an adoption fee.
It came to my old “energypaws” email account. Who knows where the heck he got my name from.. I get the weirdest stuff…