I got an email today from a friend.. her sweet doggie passed away in her sleep...
Then, I'm reading a blog that I'm always reading and find out that her horse passed away..
Now, on a message board I'm on like all the time, I see that someone's dog succumbed to a battle with pneumonia...
That's enough okay? Isn't that the quota?
I'm thanking the Gods right now that my crew is healthy and sound. Suddenly, I'm very grateful for everyone in my life.
OH NO!!!! Buster didn’t make it… I am so sad! So very very sad. It has been a rough week around the blogosphere.
I had 3 blogging buddies lose dogs this week as well. So sad.
Saint Lovers last blog post..Wordless Wednesday
oof, a beautiful dog left my life too, she was my boyfriends aunt’s, and they had her for 14 years. RIP Marley
K9 Amigas last blog post..Bragging Bout My Boss : )
Yep. Time to turn off the computer, take the phone off of the hook, get a glass of wine and just relax.
TwoBarkingDogss last blog post..Stuff Dogs Like – Dizzy Chicken!
A lot of kitties on the Cat Blogs have had hard times and/or crossed the bridge. So sad.
Sharons last blog post..Frangipani Flower Friday