Although Summer is almost over, Qor doesn't know it. She's kinda bummed that we haven't been going to play at agility anywhere.. She's too "social" for competition but she loves to run courses. We have jumps but she really really really really really loves the tunnel.
We had one that someone gave us, but it was smelly and loaded full of leaves.. we just couldn't get it clean.. so we pitched it.
Last night after running jumps.. Qor looked at us and said "Where is my tunnel? You promised me a new tunnel and it's SEPTEMBER!".
So we bought one last night.. Knowing that my Buddy Johann the Dog had agility equipment in his store that's were I headed first.
We picked up the 28 inch diameter practice tunnel, so Targ can get through it too.. he can actually do the 24" but he's not a spring chicken anymore..
Can't wait til it gets here!
Yeah, you got a tunnel!!!! That’s pawsome! And thanks for getting it through my site. You RAWK!!!!!
OK, now all I have to do is get my Mum to get me a real tunnel. Think you can help persuade her?
Woofs, Johann
Johanns last blog post..Hurricane Gustav bears down on the Gulf!
Way cool! I must see video of him doing his tunnel!
Saint Lovers last blog post..Former Foster Duke
Hey Johann, where ELSE would we get it? Doesn’t everyone know your store is THE place to get agility stuff? (among other things)
hehehe SL, it’s pretty funny.. although he hasn’t been through one in a while..
once, Qor went through one way and Targ went in the other…
We found out that Qor can TURN THAT BIG BODY AROUND! whoa it was wild.
woo hoo Tunnels are fun I bet she’ll love it!
How wonderful! She will love the new addition to her playground.
Hooray for tunnel goodness!
I plan to teach my next pair of rats agility…of course their equipment will me MUCH smaller than Qor’s