Rumors of my death…
blah blah blah.... you know the rest. Things have been pretty quiet around here.. mostly because I got the plague.. yup H1N1 I think... and then, just for fun..Bronchitis.... I'm on week 4 now and I'm still coughing. I know I'm all "try the natural approach first" but breathing in steam, drinking tea with honey and lemon, chest and back rubs with eucalyptus and rosemary just haven't done the trick. So, mucinex it is... good stuff that. I just spent the day in NYC yesterday, in spite of the creeping crud that has invaded my lungs. I took it easy, rested when I needed to which wasn't very often thank goodness. One flight of stairs at the American Natural History Museum almost did me in... but after about 3 minutes, the heart palpitations stopped... not getting enough oxygen really stinks! So while we were walking on the Upper West Side, after dinner at Kefi, I noticed that it was dog walking hour. Everyone had their dogs out, on leash, out for their "evening constitutional". And these dogs were the most balanced dogs I had seen in a while. I mentioned to LB that I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Amidst the chaos of cars and people and noise, these dogs were just walking nicely on leash.. giving a sniff here and there and ignoring people. Shel says "Well of course, these dogs are walked every day. In NYC, you can't just toss them in the back yard and ignore them." Duh. Guess the cold meds went to my brain. It's true. Often I hear people say that they don't understand why their dogs are so CRAZY, after all they get so much exercise. The thing is, running amok in the backyard is not brain exercise. This past week, my job was VERY slow... this happens sometimes. The week before I was crazy busy. Now, since I've been sick, I've been tired. (that not enough oxygen thing) but I was feeling better when I was busy. I was more stressed about not having much to do (except stuffing envelopes.. boooring) so my brain didn't get any exercise. These NYC dogs, out on their walks, had their brains challenged. They had to pay attention to their handlers, the street noise, the people, the new smells... all this stuff that stimulates their brains. My friend who is a chiropractic veterinarian, has been doing a lot of research on brains, and how dogs that have mental challenges live long and live better. She also says that a good way to tire out a dog is to make them think. And imagine, you get to spend quality time with your dog! If going for walks are not possible where you live (and I know that there are many people who live in areas that aren't safe for walks) you could try tricks or teach them a new skill! You really don't need a lot of room. We train obedience in our small house. We do recalls around corners. We play find it with treats. Sit, down, Stay, twirl, spin, weave can all be taught in a small space. For some great ideas, I suggest checking out these lenses from Johann the Dog! Fun things to do with your dog How you and your dog can have loads of fun learning tricks!

5 thoughts on “Rumors of my death…

  1. wow, it was a year ago that you posted the blog entry about Theresa & her puppies… it’s been an interesting/challenging year for sure!! Wish we still had Theresa but she ran off the first night we came here.. we didn’t realize that the fenced in area wouldn’t keep them in… blah blah blah blah blah.. lol…

    I hope you start feeling better quick.. mucinex works for bronchitis? I’ll have to try it or the generic equivalent as I’ve got bronchitis… but it’s my usualy winter stuff…

  2. Oh, that FLU! It’s horrible. I ended up with ‘walking pneumonia’ – I think that might be a fancy way of saying ‘bad ass bronchitis’. Took about 3 weeks total to get back to 100%.. or close to it.

    Funny thing, I ALWAYS say that I prefer my pups to go to homes in big cities over homes in the ‘burbs – and for just the reasons you mention.

    City dogs lead full lives – dog parks, day care, transit rides, cafe brunch. So much more fulfilling than a big back yard, any day.

    I live in the country now, and the dogs have acres – but I still take them into ‘town’ for socialization at the Co Op, the video store, the bank – anyplace they’re welcome.

    Feel better soon! Hugs!
    .-= FrogDogz´s last blog ..Happy Birfday, Tessa! You’re 15 Years Young =-.

  3. You know, I didn’t see many Frenchies on the Upper West Side, but I hear they are “all the rage” with the “boys in Chelsea”. There is even a club website I stumbled upon, once.

    I told Shel, whose dream it is to live on the Upper West Side (you know, after winning the lotto.. a few times) that we would have to have Frenchies in NYC.. I’m not lugging a sick bullmastiff to an elevator and then out to a cab or whatever to take them to the vet.. not happening. So, if we ever hit the lotto (a few times) save a few brindle butts for us.. mmmmmkay?

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