I'm back from vacation! I did not bring my phone or any way to access the interwebs while I was gone. I didn't even bring my knitting! (I have this fear of TSA agents ripping my needles from my project, leaving my socks to frog themselves)... so in the interest of "summarizing" my 5 days away, I give you... the Tweets that Didn't Happen Part 1 (times are estimated)
Wednesday, January 6th: Travel Day
- 11:30 AM: ZOMG.. so excited! off to the airport. Dogs not happy.
- 12:45 PM: Shel got the pat down. Suggested she offer the TSA agent a cig. Sheesh!
- 2:45 PM: Blerg.. plane delayed 1/2 hour.. there goes my layover
- 3:30 PM: TSA at the gate? Srsly? Horse out of the barn at this point people.
- 3:45 PM: YAY! First class FTW!
- 5:30 PM: Spent 2 mins in Charlotte.. now off to Orlando.
- 7:00 PM: Magical Express FTW! Hey.. it's cold... brrr
- 7:30 PM: Shel gets "Happy Birthday Button" from desk.
- 9:30 PM: Paradiso 37. Crazy Corn Way good. Rest of dinner sucky.
- 9:31PM : should stay on Disney Proper for foodz.. blech.
- 9:44 PM: Chatted with 2 wmn from Ontario. In Dis. for Marathon.
- 10:30 PM: Back to Port Orleand FQ: tomorrow Animal Kingdom!
- 8:30 AM: thank the gods for Via. No real coffee here
- 9:45 AM: Brkfst at hotel. Standard issue eggs.
- 10:30AM: Animal Kingdom Bus! woot!
- 10: 35AM: zomg.. it's tourist group hell here. Is all of Europe on vaca?
- 11:00 AM: Dinosaur Ride!
- 11:30 AM: Flame tree BBQ! pork sammie.. nom nom nom
- 12:45 PM: Expedition Everest... scary.. no freaking way.
- 1:00 PM: bored. Not much in this park for us.
- 1:30 PM: decision made! Fantasia Mini golf!
- 3:30 PM: Scoping out Boardwalk.
- 4:30PM: Back to hotel for break
- 7:00PM: Headed to Boardwalk for dinner at Kouzzina PITA to get to.
- 7:29PM: Bus to Studios then bus to boardwalk.. bleh
- 7:31PM: wth? Studios bus playing Star TREK music? did they know we were here?
- 8:00 PM: Front of house: scary. Waitress awesome!
- 8:15 PM: omg.. mezze is excellent! Lamb meatballs VERY spicy
- 9:00 PM: lamb shank ftw!
- 9:30 PM: dessert .. eh.. not worth it. loukoumades soggy
- 9:45 PM: zomg! waitress just yelled it was Shel's Bday! Entire place yells OPA! Free cupcake!
- 10:ooPM: packed up left overs. Back to hotel. Balmy 38F
That’s neat, wish I got to see it day by day..did you write those all down? (and for future reference, if you do want to bring knitting along, bring needles you wouldn’t mind losing & put the last row/round on a lifeline, dental floss would work, and your work wouldn’t unravel itself…
But if you were happy enough without knitting, then great!!
I attempted to reconstruct my thoughts at the time.. harder than I thought it would be… and I contemplated the lifeline thing… but I don’t have any needles I wouldn’t want to lose!