The Tweets that Didn’t Happen: Part Two
Guess what? They aren't happening here either.. too much work.. srsly... it was  a fun idea but I'm over it. We did have a good time in spite of the cold.  We had some fabu food.. Lunch at Morocco... I recommend the Shwarma.. the falafel was ok.. not great.. but good.. pickled turnips were AWESOME! I love those.  Coffee.. meh.. I really was hoping for REAL Middle Eastern Coffee.. you know, mud with sugar?  You make it in one of these thingies called an ibrik? No such luck.. guess I'll have to wait for Shel's Dad to make me some... although I think we have an ibrik around here.. We ate at the Rose and Crown which was totally full of WIN!  Not only was the food way good, but we were seated on the patio (there was plastic sheeting etc because it was totally BRRR out there).. the really cool part?  We had THE perfect seat for Illuminations.. which is the fireworks on the lake at Epcot.. could NOT have planned it .... it was awesome. One of the highlights of our trip was Toy Story Mania.... zomg.. so so so cool.  We had heard that it was THE ride and that waits were long so we got a fast pass around 1PM.. for 6:30! We were in the last group to get them.. so we killed some time on the Great Movie ride.. it was too cold to sit out for Lights Motors Action so we didn't.. at 5:00 we had had enough fun.. so we decided to leave the park and come back EARLY the next day.  We tried to give our fast passes away but so many people had more than two in our party and a few people didn't want them.. As we were rounding the corner from Pixar Place, I overheard an adult couple talking.. she says to him "Well, lets see how long the line is.. since we can't get a fast pass".. (FYI: the wait time was 80 minutes.. In January! in the COLD! .. telling you.. hot ticket).. I interrupted her and said "Excuse me.. are you talking about the Toy Story Mania Ride?".. she says that they were and that they really wanted to ride it and it was their last day in the park.. so I handed her the Fast Passes..  she almost fell over...  it was awesome. We went back the next morning and it was a 30 minute wait.. but it was really like 10...  Best. Ride. EVAH! Do it.. srsly.. do it.. We really did enjoy our hotel.. nothing quite like being greeted by a Towel Mickey IMG_4323 001.jpg It was really cold out IMG_4353 005.jpg IMG_4350 002.jpg And we stayed on Jazz Alley.. around the corner from Rue de Baga (so funny!) IMG_4363 002.jpg IMG_4364 003.jpg We did have to buy a lot of clothing.. thank goodness our trip was essentially paid for since we saved up to go. We ended up with
  • 2 long sleeved shirts
  • 2 sweatshirts
  • 1 scarf
  • 2 pairs of gloves
  • 1 coat
  • 1 pair of Hello Kitty stretchy pants that I pulled up over my fat butt as another layer under my jeans.. for real... they say "Born to Be Famous" on the hip.  I think I heard Hello Kitty screaming as I yanked them on.. but I was WARM

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