This is my quick and dirty record of my diet and exercise for the day. I'm doing a personal challenge to eat salad twice a week, a veggie salad twice a week and work out twice a week. I want to lose 5 lbs by the end of March.
Breakfast: Eggbeaters with spinach, onions, peppers, turkey bacon and feta
Snack: cashew butter
Lunch: mixed green salad with chicken, chick peas, cucumbers and smoked provolone
Snack: Texas caviar
Dinner: grilled steak with broccoli and cheese sauce.
Snack: yogurt with stevia
50 jumping jacks
3x12 Squats : 20lb bell
3x10 halo 10lb bell
2x15 lunge twist 10lb bell
3x10 2 handed swing 20lb bell
Plank 20 seconds
Walk dogs
[tally_graph key="weight" tally_interval="day" interval_count="2" cht="lc" method="track" chtt="Weight Tracker"]