Breakfast: one fried egg on whole grain english muffin, cheddar cheese and a slice of canadian bacon. A smidge of mayo.
Snack: um..nothing.. I had breakfast at 11:00 AM
Lunch: We had lunch at Biryani. Many off plan things were eaten.
Snack: Still stuffed from lunch. Had some coffee
Dinner: Left over sloppy joes.
Snack: to be updated
2 x 8 (each side) Rack squat. 20lb bell
1x8 (each side) Rack squat 10lb bell
1x10 each side bent over row 20lb bell
2x10 each side bent over row 10lb bell
2x 15 tricep press 10lb bell
1x8 Double arm high pull 10lb bell
1x8 double arm high pull 20lb bell
3x10 each side Russian twist 10lb bell
[tally_graph key="weight" tally_interval="day" interval_count="5" cht="lc" method="track" chtt="Weight Tracker"]