Face Off
Today I was reading a old post on 3 Fat Chicks , which I'm inclined to do when I need inspiration.  That thread prompted me to head over the the YMCA website to see if my branch offers personal training.. This led me to the page where you can now create your own account to register etc etc.. so I found my information and logged on. And was presented with a picture of someone who was supposed to be me. I was Flah-oored (that's "floored" with an extra syllable for emphasis). THAT is what my face used to look like?  That picture was taken the day I decided to join the YMCA where karate was being taught.  I know about when this was, because I started this blog about the same time. I had no idea how different I looked.  I mean I know I'm buying clothes that are smaller but I didn't really realize the changes that have happened over the past three years... now, imagine if I actually put my mind to this whole body recomposition thing. I do have a ways to go as far as getting more fit, but I'm REALLY wishing I had taken more "before" pictures. This photo from nowhere was a blessing.. and an inspiration. So anyway... enough build up. Here they are.. before and after, the face only edition.
My Face in 2008
This was taken at the YMCA when I joined in 2008
This is my face now in 2011
               PS: That first photo really was NOT taken in a prison.. even though it looks like it. PPS: I know they are tiny photos...  that was the size they uploaded so I rolled with it.

4 thoughts on “Face Off

  1. Great job! As you probably know, I’m also working hard on getting in shape via diet and exercise.

    I was planning a before/after face-only post later this year, but I have a unique way that I took my before picture that, if things work out the right way, could also be the way I take my after picture, so it’s a better comparison.

    Great news is, even with the disparity in the images above, you can definitely tell that whatever you’re doing is working! Congratulations!

    1. Thanks! yah, the pics don’t really match up so great but I was still like “Wow!”

      Diet and exercise are the way to go.. Hope you are seeing some progress too!

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