Bacon Making: In Pictures
I took a class on making bacon. I finally got my pork belly thawed and ready to cure. I made up the cure using the recipe in the booklet I got in my From Scratch Club class I had a hard time finding pork belly.  I ended up at Rolf's Pork Store in Albany.  I recommend you go there I paid $2.99 a pound...  and got a 14 pound belly I promised Erika that I would shoot her a nipple shot. This thing was HUGE I trimmed it up and squared it off I then portioned it into about 2.5 pound hunks I broke out the seasonings. They are in order from left to right: Rosemary, thyme, sage, garlic and peppercorn; brown sugar and cinnamon; brown sugar; garlic, bay leaf and peppercorn I coated them in the cure and then smushed in the seasonings. These will sit for a week in my fridge until they are ready to roast.

2 thoughts on “Bacon Making: In Pictures

  1. Saw your new post on FSC, but must say, the bacon post wins! I received a degree in restaurant mngt, but, must say that my most favorite class was Animal Meats. Most important things learned: how to visually identify different cuts of meat (of different animals) and how to sharpen a knife (free-slice a piece of paper. If it cuts the paper, it’s sharp. If it doesn’t, it’s not sharp enough. Cajun logic, and it works! Keep sharpening!) Like the dedication and research!

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