Get with the Grains
For a long time now, we have been eating more whole grains. Because the processed grains (like white flour) tend to really spike our blood sugar and cause super huge cravings and general inappropriate eating habits, we have been avoiding them more often than not. To tell the truth, I don't personally eat a lot of wheat anyway. Wheat is now a treat and makes up a small portion of my diet. I've pretty much replaced wheat products like pasta and bread with beans or veggies. My body does better that way. I don't have an allergy, really.. neither of us in this house do, but I do get what I like to call "Bread Rage". Too many wheat products and I am one miserable bitch. Also, my joints ache and I can't think. I used to spend my life like that. Also, Flatulence... flatulence of DOOM.. horrific, embarrassing, eye watering flatulence... not kidding. So, when the From Scratch Club Virtual Book Club said that this was the book we were reading....


... my initial response was less than stellar.. in fact, I was afraid of this.
Everybody Farts
Everybody Farts
But I bought the book anyway, because when I do eat grains, I try to make them as whole as possible. I seem to do better with the slowly digesting grains. So I started flipping through.. there are a bazillion things in here using grains OTHER THAN WHEAT. Teff, Amaranth, Quinoa (which is a seed but I'm not gonna be nitpicky here), Spelt Berries, etc etc.... Yowser.. I'm going to be spending a lot of time at Honest Weight Food Coop, I think. I'm super excited now.. I mean really.. I can't want to bust into this thing and start cooking. The book club starts February 1st over at GoodReads. The author has actually joined the book club which is totally awesome too! Come cook and read with us.. it's gonna be a hoot.. and if you want to follow along, be sure to "like" The FSC Book Club on Facebook or follow on Twitter In an effort to blog more, I hope to post my experience with this book on this blog as well as in the GoodReads group. I totally unfucked my desk (please don't judge this clutterbug.. mmmkay?) so I'm hoping this will inspire me to blog more and maybe do my taxes on time this year.

4 thoughts on “Get with the Grains

  1. Thanks for the info about the book. I’ve just made bread from my first sprouted and ground wheat, and I can’t wait to expand into other whole grains

  2. I adore this book. Liana has made whole grains gorgeous and approachable! And, I totally feel you on that particular side effect of wheat. I’ve had to cut back significantly in recent years and am always amazed at how much better I feel as a result.

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