Quilty as charged
Yes, I know the title of this post is ridiculous.  I didn't have anything clever in my head...  so I just rolled with it. Almost two years ago, I decided that I didn't have enough hobbies so I started quilting.  Well, actually.. I made two quilts.  And then we moved.... and for months my sewing machine /languished, unloved.  If you are a regular reader of this blog (hey, thanks for sticking with me!) you know that I said I was going to post more non-food stuff. And then I didn't post at all. OMG THE PRESSURE... THE BLANK PAGE... but I think I'm over it now at least for a while.  I actually launched a SECOND BLOG what omg I know. .. also I did it with WordPress Multisite so there's a good chance I borked a few things on THIS blog.. whoops.. oh well. We've settled in to our apartment and I gotta say, I love apartment living. I really do. If I never mow a lawn again it will be too soon.  Also, three inches of snow last night and all I had to do was clear a wee bit in front of my garage door.  I'm spoiled now. The tricky part, however is being mindful of our neighbors below us.   I try to keep my noisy hobbies confined to Saturday and my new sewing machine (a Singer Simple 3232) is noisy... also, not so simple. or maybe it's too simple which is why I can't remember where the stitch length button is. So, I'm making a Mickey Mouse Quilt for LB but it's been so long that I thought I'd start with something easy. I settled on Michelle Pattern's Patchwork Coasters because I keep seeing her make them on Instagram and they are freaking adorable.
The front
I mean come on... how cute is this?
The back
Clearly I need to work on my hand stitching. This little bugger sits on my desk at work and it's perfection.
Coaster in action!
I got so excited about piecing like this ...
This patchwork thing is a hoot
That I decided that paper piecing was going to be my next thing... holy crap I love it so much. and of course, I had to make a mistake or two... it's like I always sew one sleeve in backwards? Evidently I need to cut off the wrong bit when paper piecing
An unfortunate event
But well worth an occasional oops to have this nifty coaster! It's messy... sure and the photos are terrible.. but I don't care... this coaster just give me joy every time I put a cup of tea down on it. This is so funny, now typing this out, I remember digging around in my mom's scrap bag when I was a kid and making "quilted pillows" that were really just pieced tops (which is what I thought quilting was).   I figured out all of the angles then without any tools.. funny.  I guess I've always like math and I used to just DO stuff without thinking about it if I could do it or not. I guess if no one tells you that something is "too hard", you won't know not to try it. Maybe that is one of the downsides of having information at our fingertips.   We are unwilling to try something if someone tells us it will be difficult. I think that's the end of my profound thoughts today. I've been working on this post since OCTOBER and I think it's time to just hit the button already.  

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