You guys.. I'm so excited! You remember way back when I met Stu Fuchs at Old Songs and had a transcendental experience? You don't? Ok.. let me refresh your memory. Did you go read that? Ok, good.. You didn't? Fine.. be like that. Here.. have the video.
He's the guy on the didgeridoo that you can barely see.
Oh and he's also this guy
And... well. this guy
Stu is a multi-instrumentalist but I know him for his ukulele playing and I try not to miss a chance to see him live. He's funny, charming and engaging and now that I've slammed you with videos, I want to tell you about his new album and how you can get it and help him make it. I can't tell you how much I enjoy his first album "Stukulele"
Well, here.. go listen to some clips.
Stu has brought an amazing amount of joy and appreciation for making music to my life. After spending a week with him learning his Zen Method to making music, I can tell you that he has truly changed my approach for the better. I'm sure his new album will be spectacular, soulful and fun. Here, let him tell you all about it.
Stu's campaign is on and the album will be made if he meets his goal or not. For a $15.00 contribution, you can get the mp3 album before it's released. That's pretty awesome because honestly, that's what you'd pay to buy it anyway...
Right now, Stu is about 1/4 of the way there and I'd love it if you would consider backing his album.
Follow the linky loo.