Fiber Arts
The Never Ending Afghan
By Pirate Jeni | | 0 Comments |
It's been a while since I posted anything about my
Rumors of my death….
By Pirate Jeni | | 1 Comments |
Things have been kinda quiet over here at Chez Kick'n
The Bees Knees
By Pirate Jeni | | 3 Comments |
So I got this brilliant idea that I wanted to
Hobby Lobby can suck it
By Pirate Jeni | | 41 Comments |
So, LB sent me a text this morning that she heard
Days Gone By
By Pirate Jeni | | 1 Comments |
I'd never touched real wool yarn. It was a luxury that not only could I not afford in my "Ramen, again?" days, but one I didn't realize was attainable. Wool yarn to me was something that only people with money used... and I was afraid of using it. I might ruin it... or shrink it in the washer...or the cat would puke on it and it would be ruined forever
Screw the Draft, Man
By Pirate Jeni | | 3 Comments |
No seriously.. I have about 6 draft posts started and