Random Ramblings
And the winner is…..
By Jeni B | | 0 Comments |
Christine! Congratulations Christine, you've won the Through a Dog's Ear:
Things that go BOOM in the night
By Jeni B | | 12 Comments |
Or lately, the day! We have had a run of
Water Dogs v2.0
By Jeni B | | 2 Comments |
This was not as hard as I though it was
Dear Neighbors,
By Jeni B | | 2 Comments |
We know you mean well. We really do. But here
This is the funniest thing I’ve seen in a LONG Time
By Jeni B | | 4 Comments |
Deux chats sur un tapis roulantUploaded by worfrozenko
I must admit. I’m impressed
By Jeni B | | 2 Comments |
Jan over at the Poodle (and dog) Blog posted a
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