How many is too many?
By Jeni B | | 17 Comments |
Over the past few days,  I've seen a lot of
We Bought a Tunnel!
By Jeni B | | 7 Comments |
Although Summer is almost over, Qor doesn't know it. She's
Hellooooo Captain Obvious!
By Jeni B | | 6 Comments |
Sometimes, well I miss the obvious. I marvelled at how
Take your dog to work: a week early
By Jeni B | | 3 Comments |
Next Friday is Take your dog to work day.. but
Does this look Brindle-y to you?
By Jeni B | | 5 Comments |
I can't believe I'm doing this... Targ thinks he needs
By Jeni B | | 0 Comments |
Lora tagged Targ for the middle name meme. You have
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